Greetings from Czech Republic!

Greetings from Czech Republic! Time here Zlín has been nice. It is a cozy small city in Moravia region. I was having nursing traineeship in Tomas Bata regional hospital for 2 moths. Now it’s time to go back home. It was such a nice experience here and I am so happy that I came here.

The hospital really gave us a lot of opportunities and new 2were nice and helpful. Although there were some language challenges, with their help we were able to communicate with patients and other staff who did not speak English. Our supervisors also tried to get us as much as possible into different procedures around the hospital. We started in the emergency room and then continued in the cardiology intensive care unit. We also were in department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive medicine/follow-up intensive care, surgery department and gynecology department. During the traineeship, we really saw many different departments and procedures.

The working culture is quite similar compared to Finland. The biggest difference to Finland is certainly the 12h shifts. Here, nurses work two shifts. 6-18 and 18-6. Work equipment and hospital supplies are same as in Finland. One big different is also the totally free health care for citizens,

Life outside of the hospital was also very nice. The local ESN organization was very good. They organized really nice events every week. They really make an effort for the exchange students and do it with a big heart. I met lots of nice new people all around the world.

Zlín is very near of everything, so it was easy to travel around central Europe. Vienna and Bratislava are close and easily accessible. Travelling within the Czech Republic was also quick and easy. I visited many beautiful cities like Brno, Olomouc, and Praha.


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