Pozdravy z Česka


Dobrý den! This a little look into my Erasmus studies that I did earlier this year in Zlín, Czech Republic. Living with flat mates, traveling in and out of Czechia and of course the actual studying part of this experience.

I did exchange studies in Thomas Bata University on Software Engineering. I lived in the dorms sharing a flat with three people and a room with one of them. Luckily enough all of my flat mates were really nice, and we never really had any issues living together. Seriously the most annoying thing about the living situation was our small kitchen, sharing it with three other people can be a little annoying when you come home from school starving and can’t make food because someone else is using the kitchen.

Zlín is a small city of around 75 000 people and is known for the Bata shoes and red brick houses. Choosing a smaller city for Erasmus was definitely a good choice, because when would I otherwise ever visit Zlín.

View from Zlín skyscraper
View from Zlín skyscraper

Studying there was somewhat different compared to home, teaching methods being much more lecture based than what I’m used to. There was also a lot less homework in comparison, which was nice, leaving more time to hang out with my friends.

Green beer during Easter
Green beer during Easter

Traveling from Zlín was also easy within and outside of Czech Republic. I visited for example Prague, Olomouc, Brno and Vizovice and outside of Czechia I visited Austria, Poland, Hungary and Albania.


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