From the city that never sleeps

Postcard from Tokyo, Japan

こんにちは from Tokyo! My name is Sofia and I made the decision to do my practical training in the bustling capital city of Japan.

Even though my spare time is mostly spent in the livelier areas of Shibuya, Shinjuku or even Akihabara, my workplace is located in a quieter neighbourhood called Iriya – thus letting me see both sides and lifestyles of the city daily!

The work culture of Japan isn’t exactly famous for how healthy it is, but if you just find a good company, you’ll be fine! I got lucky with mine – the down-to-earth Hostel Bedgasm has been the most warm and welcoming for me, which I’m really grateful for. Due to working at a hostel, I’ve also made a lot of memories and friends with the guests as well! Sometimes it’s been hard watching them leave…

I’m leaving tomorrow too, and I’m sure that will be hard too… But I’ll definitely come back to Japan, so I’m not too worried about it~ またねー日本~

with love,

Polaroid of the writer and her coworkers taken at the workplace


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