Greetings from Bruges

When I first walked in the Bruges city center I was enchanted. The architecture of the city is medieval and the whole city is like it’s from a fairy tale. Cute buildings, canals,  small shops and the atmosphere of the city is magical.


I really enjoyed my time in Bruges. I like the Belgian lifestyle and culture. My school, Vives, was nice, and all the teachers spoke very good English. I had an unprecedented motivation to study and I had some nice people around me. Unfortunately, the corona virus situation messed everything up, and I decided to go back home after spending just 2 months in Belgium. My Erasmus experience continued online, so I got all the credits of this spring.



Even though Belgians are very punctual, hard working and formal, they know how to enjoy their lives. They are very nice and chill. Even when I was in somebody’s way in the supermarket, or if I had blocked the way with my bike, they just smiled at me and minded their own business. They don’t take themselves too seriously, and I really like that attitude.

I really liked studying in Bruges. The teachers spoke very good English and I attended very interesting courses. I learned a lot about Belgium, Belgium’s history and culture, the EU and European- and International laws.

Belgians are very punctual; they don’t accept delays in School, and you have compulsory attendance in class. If you were  more than 15 minutes late, you were not able to take part in class. If you were absent you needed a doctor’s certificate of it. That’s probably even why I was early at School.

I usually spent my free  time with the other exchange students. I lived in b/kot, which is residence own by Vives, so all the other exchange students lived there too. I lived on the same floor with 7 Spanish girls, so there was noise and action all day and all night, and they didn’t understand why I didn’t want to go to club every night. Regardless, I still loved their company.





I went to the gym and jogging weekly. I also did Hot Yoga, when my schedule matched with the yoga studio. We also spent time in the pubs, played pool and tasted Belgian beers. Sometimes I went to the club with my Spanish friends. There is also some good cafées in Bruges, and there is a place that serves the best turmeric latte in the world!











In normal circumstances Belgium is a good country to see western Europe, because everything is so close. Me and my friends went to Amsterdam, before corona hit.



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