Hallo, Wie geht's?

Hallo from Germany!

My experiences in Germany
Hallo, wie geht’s? This is my first experience as an exchange student from Finland. As a student, my exchange experience has been full of adaptation and growth. Initially unsure about the cultural differences, I’ve gradually adjusted, exploring the city and tackling academic challenges. Here’s a glimpse into my experiences and a comparison of educational systems between Germany and Finland.

Studying abroad is always challenging, pushing you out of your comfort zone and broadening your knowledge and vision. Exposure to different cultures and traditions fosters confidence and acceptance. This semester, I went to Germany for my exchange study program at Technische Hochschule Ulm (THU), located in the southern city of Ulm. Ulm is small and beautiful, and it’s also the birthplace of the famous scientist Albert Einstein. I feel lucky to see the place where such a great personality was born.

Initially, I struggled with courses outside my usual field. The German academic system differs from Finland’s, with long lectures lasting 4 to 6 hours and theoretical, paper-based exams that require memorization. In Finland, as a software engineering student, we focused on practical work, with grades based on projects and assignments. In Germany, exams are frequent, sometimes with two in a single day.Despite the challenges, this experience has given me valuable insights into different education and exam systems.

Exploring German Culture: Adapting to German culture has been easier thanks to the buddy program at Technische Hochschule Ulm. My buddy, a local German girl, has been wonderful, showing me around cities and helping me understand German culture and lifestyle. By meeting and interacting, I came to know How straightforward and disciplined Germans are. The buddy program is helpful for exchange students to integrate and navigate thelocal culture, making stay wonderful.

My buddy invited me, and I attended the German spring festival in traditional attire. Dancing, singing, drinking beer, and playing different games were the main attractions of the festivals. I felt really welcoming. It was a wonderful experience.

The university arranged educational tours, including visits to the Mercedes-Benz Museum, science museums, Linderhof Palace, world’s oldest beer industry, and cities like Munich, Stuttgart, and Augsburg. I discovered Germany’s rich cultural heritage after visiting numerous castles. The beautiful landscapes, large agricultural fields, big industries, and innovation centres were impressive, as was the efficient transportation system.

I also explored cities like Konstanz, Köln, Berlin, Hamburg, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, and Nuremberg, each with its unique beauty. Overall, my time in Germany has been an enriching experience.

Comparing Educational Cultures: Germany vs. Finland The hierarchical structure in German education, where professors are formally addressed as “Herr” or “Frau,” contrasts with Finland’s informal approach of using first names. The rigorous exam schedule and emphasis on memorization in Germany create a high-pressure environment. In Finland, the focus on project-based learning offers a more relaxed atmosphere during exams, fostering creativity and practical application.

Conclusion: Exposing to new culture and adapting to new places is challenging and rewarding at the same time. My stay and study in Germany has been challenging but has also broadened my horizons. The differences in educational styles between the two countries highlight the strengths of both systems. The beautiful landscape and scenic view were beyond my expectation. The culture and traditions, beliefs were completely different from my own culture. However, this experience has boosted my knowledge and personal growth, giving me a balanced view of cultural differences. I am thankful to my home university, TAMK, and my host university, THU, for this great opportunity for enhancing my personal and professional growth.


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Ciao! Come stai? Postcard from Italy

Ciao from Piedmont, Italy! Come stai? If you ever wonder to work in another country, especially in Italy you should do it. This is the experience where you will at least learn how to live in a moment and you will learn how important it is to have a break durning your work shifts. Italians loves food and there is no excuse to not have a glass of wine when having lunch! I remember when I first saw my colleague taking a wine bottle on a lunch table - I am glad that I did not laugh as it seemed a bit absurd to me. Now it is just a part of a daily basis! I am doing my last internship here in Verduno at Scarpa Villas, Barolo Luxury Escape. It's been two months already! One month ahead. While writing this I feel a bit sad to think about that. I wanted to come here, because I am interested in learning more about wines. Also it has been a great opporunity to work in tourism industry outside of Finland. Here I have learnt more about a different working culture. For example, you might not know your work shifts furter than for one week. In the other hand working hours are quite flexible. Here we also eat all together while having a lunch. We even cook the lunch for ourselves at work, so we don't have to bring lunchboxes from home. ¨ My work tasks include cleaning the villas, helping customers with their questions, doing some e-mails with my collegues, learning more about the Scarpa winery and the social media marketing plan for the winery and the villas. Sometimes I am at the winery to see some of the tours and do some tastings there. On my free time I study some Italian language and I also try to finish my last online courses. I hope to graduate in October! After studying I go for walks or then I have a bike ride with an e-bike, as it is more usful here than a normal bike. I have also visited in Milan, Torino and at Lago di Garda (Garda lake). Sometimes I spent time with my colleague or with some Finnish people, whom lives nearby. I came here open minded and curious. First weeks was the hardest part, as I did not speak any Italian, only English. Anymore I do not feel overwhelmed every day trying to understand the language. It is amazing to notice, that in three months you will learn at least some basic words and sentences. To learn more I usually watch some TikToks and listen Italian music. I hope I won't forget all the things and language when I go back home! Distinti saluti // Best regards, Sofia