Nearer than expected

Narva City
Narva, Estonia

Hello and happy to know that I am sharing my experience with someone who might be interested to know about my training at Estonia.

Hello and happy to know that I am sharing my experience with someone who might be interested to know about my training at Estonia. I am a final year nursing student, and I am doing my clinical training at Narva Haigla Hospital specifically at the Emergency department.

Narva is a quiet town with very friendly and loving people.  The town shares border with Russia and the main language of communication is Russian even though it is a town and part of Estonia.  The city Narva is very historic with museums, castle, fountain in the dark garden, harbor, beach, town hall square, Alexander’s cathedral, and so on. During my spare time, we visited the touristic site with other exchange students. I have been to Tallinn to see the beautiful old town and other interesting sites.

My training in Narva has been fun filled. The working collaboration is great and is characterized by sharing of meals, sweets and other edible items. The nurses in the emergency department are having longer hours of shift, that is 24hours and couple of days off or 12 hours minimum and couple of days off which is different from Finland. Also, clinical training is hands on with students allowed to try procedures such as blood sample collections, cannulation, EKG, without supervision from mentor.  Also, there is closed mentoring just as in Finland but there are enough nurses to carry out task of the department. The assistant or practical nurses are responsible for patient hygiene which is not the cased of Finland.

Town Square and Alexander's Church


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