Cool, cool Finland

Let’s start by saying that Finland is pretty cool (and actually literally cold too but anyway). It sounds cliché to say it’s quite one of a kind country and people, but it truly is – hey, they’ve even just published a research condemning Finnish people as not genetically part of the Europeans but their very own, independent population. You gotta agree with me on the pretty cool part, right?

There is a lot of stereotypes out there about Finnish people, not many of them necessary very complimentary. Stubborn, quiet, reserved – which to be honest do apply to a lot of Finnish people. But the Finns are also honest and direct (sometimes to the point of it being almost shocking to foreigners), reliable, and really funny in our own way.


And, if the Finnish people are special, the nature is even more so. I like to call Finland ’’fairyland’’, because when walking outside in the forests or by the many, many lakes it’s easy to imagine these landscapes to be where the fairy tales come from. To quote my very dear Australian friend on her first visit to Finland; ’’ If someone told me little elves and creatures lived there I wouldn’t deny it for a minute.’’ The fresh air, crystal clear lakes and little ponds, green forests and stunning sunsets are only some of the nature’s treasures Finland has to offer.

In my opinion the essence of Finnishness is realizing Finland is pretty great. If only it was warmer.


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