Finland - The land of thousand lakes

What are my experiences of Finnishness?


Nature and cleanliness

We have a beautiful nature and cleanliness makes it more beautiful. Finnish people do care of their environment and you can see it. We like to be in nature because it is so peaceful place with nature’s fresh air.

I lived in shared flat with African and her mother mentioned that it’s so clean here and we also have great trees. Cleanliness and for example green trees are sometimes taken for granted in here.

I appreciate our nature and I’m very grateful that Finland is my home country. There are countries in the world where the air is so dirty and unhealthy that you can´t always go out.

Mid summer

I have these words: summer cottage, sauna, lake, good food and friends.  These are things that everyone Finn knows. You can imagine the moment when you´re in summer cottage with your friends, beside of you is a beautiful lake and you’re going to swim after sauna.

Midsummer is the time when I also see my relatives. We come together to my grandparents’ summer cottage. We eat, talk, swim and go to sauna. It is a multiyear tradition although I wasn´t there in this year. The picture on the left has taken from the same lake (like the other picture on top) where the cottage is located. It has become so important place to me!

Finnish breakfast

I already miss Elovena porridge, cottage cheese, rye bread and Finnish berries! Like nature, food is also very clean and fresh here in Finland. You don’t need to buy all berries or mushrooms from grocery when you can pick these delicacies up from forest at autumn. But now I must admit I don’t pick them up from forest. It’s easier to buy Finnish blueberries from grocery…



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