Finnish education is an export product

I Titta and a physiotherapist and studying alongside work of Social Services. I have studied additional courses in addition to my full-time employment history, developing my skills and to keep up motivation. That is why I want to highlight Finnish education in my writing.

The Finnish education system consists of high-quality, affordable early childhood education and free nine-year primary school. With the help of subjective day care, all children have the right to pre-primary education. Pre-primary education became compulsory in 2015. Each child participates in pre-primary education before school starts, during which the child’s school readiness is also assessed.

In Finland, every child has the right and the duty to attend primary school. In Finland, poor, women and people with disabilities are allowed to attend school on an equal basis. Equality is guaranteed by Finnish law. In comparison, Finland has been ranked as the second most equal country in the world. Only Iceland outperforms Finland in its equality. The history of Finland’s equality dates back to 1906, when Finland, the third in the world, gave women the right to vote and at the same time allowed women to stand for election to the Parliament. 1907 The first women in the world were elected to Parliament.

You do not have to be a Finnish citizen to attend our Finnish elementary school. Immigrant children, even when they do not have a residence permit, are placed in school as soon as they come to Finland. In Finland, children in need of special support may be in regular primary schools and receive personalized assistance and learning support according to their needs. In Finland, the teaching of girls and boys is also no different.

Compared to the rest of the world, Finnish children start school late, but still Finland has been at the forefront of Pisa studies. Why is a Finnish school so good? The success is explained by the skills of highly educated early childhood educators and teachers, the short days of the first years of schooling, and the importance of play and exercise in learning.

There is a statutory compulsory education in Finland at the age of 16. After elementary school, you can get education with government grants and free vocational training schools as far as you can and want. The Finnish education system is admired and imitated throughout the world. It will be explored from abroad and has become one of our export products.

Free school food has been one of the cornerstones of our school system for 70 years. Since 1948, the state has provided free school meals to school-age students every school day. There is no such thing in the world as in Sweden, and only there since 1973. Finnish school food is not unhealthy, for example, burgers, it is nutritional requirements.  In addition to food, the state pays all school children for basic education and organizes free hobbies alongside the school.

Our unique school system has raised our level of education to one of the best in the world. Our reading and writing skills are the best in the world, which is why we are probably such a hardworking library user and have a very large number of top professionals and products in the world that almost everyone in the world knows. Who wouldn’t know Angry Birds, Marimekko, Alvar Aalto, Nokia, for example?

Titta Kähkönen


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