Often when meeting people from different countries I come across with the question about Finnish education system. Questions like “What is in it, that it’s so good?” or “What is the difference that makes it the best in the hole World?” Even though Finland is a tiny country in the North, it is known for its World’s best scholar system all over the world. Why? Well here are some main points about Finnish education system that make our schools so good:
Finland offers high-class and affordable early childhood education for all kids. Before going to school, every child must attend preschool where they learn by playing and get a good base for actual school. Compulsory education starts at the age of 7 and ends after the elementary school. Finnish children start their school comparatively late at the age of 7. In many other countries, children start school at the age of 5 or even earlier.
After the 9-year elementary school students can decide between high school and vocational education that offers a wide range of qualifications. Even though it is not compulsory, almost every student goes on to secondary education. It is also possible to combine high school and vocational education.
Compared to other countries, Finnish students have a lot less homework and school days are shorter. The idea is that students can focus better in school when they have plenty of time to do other things that are important to child’s development. Students have subjects like PE, music, arts etc. that are excellent to make the brains work better. Also the Finnish school year is one of the shortest in Western countries.
Students in Finland don’t have standardized tests. All school in Finland are equal and private schools don’t exist. It has been said that the neighborhood school is the best school.
Teachers in Finland are highly respected, and it require a master’s degree to be able to teach. Teachers spend less time teaching in class rooms, so they will have more time to develop their own teaching strategies and finding ways to meet students’ learning needs.