
I couldn’t be happier to be Finn! This small, only five million people, country includes so many privileges which we consider self-evident. For example free education, partly free health care, clear water from the tap and of course one of the safest country on Earth. What else can you even add on that sort of list? I think with those privileges Finland is the best country to live in!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle Finland

Other thing that makes me happy as being a Finn is our beautiful nature which I appreciate way too rarely. Greatest way to enjoy Finland’s summer is to go to archipelago. In a sunny and warm summer day this is the best way to see the most beautiful side of Finland, in my opinion. A lot of Finns enjoys summer in their summer cottages where they relax and get themselves ready for the cold and dark autumn.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle Finland

In my opinion Finns aren’t as introverted as usually told. I think we are pretty warm-hearted, kind and helpful. If people just dare to ask for help they will get some even from the coldest persons in Finland. Nowadays younger people are more likely to have some small talk with random persons than the older generation. Finns have improved their social skills a lot from the past. As a good example could be all those crazy events Finns are arranging all around the Finland!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle torille

In the picture Finns are celebrating ice-hockey gold medal from 2011 World Championship tournament!



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