My kind of Finnish culture

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Nature is the most important value we have in Finland. All the forests and lakes are our pride and we want to make sure that this uniquity will pass to the next generation. The forests offers us a place to enjoy some peace and quiet and its variety serves a chance to collect the treasures of the forest in autumn: blueberries, lingonberries, mushrooms.. Especially hiking has lifted up its profile recently and it has become really popular all over our beautiful country. Hikers are privileged to see extensively what our nature is about.

We have over 180 000 lakes so it is quite understandable that we often enjoy our spare time by the lakes. You can swim, row, surf, go fishing or just enjoy the magnificent views they offer. In winter you can also go and skate on the lakes or go ice fishing.

In Finland we are privileged to enjoy the purity of nature, its drainage system and everyman’s right that allows us to enjoy freely our forests and lakes.


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