The best of Finland!

I love browsing the world! That’s my hobby and I’ve been lucky to be able to travel a lot around the world. I love each continent and their cultural and nature’s diversities.

By traveling, I began to appreciate a lot of things in my country, Finland. Almost every time I find things that make me miss my home country; There just always seems to be things that simply are better in Finland.


I’ve put together all the things I have longed abroad and can be found in Finland. How would you like to live in the following country?

Finland is a country where you can enjoy all seasons and natural colours. Here is a unique beautiful nature, which is at the same time very peaceful and relaxing. There are no earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters in Finland.

In addition to the pure and safe nature, there is everywhere clean tap water (probably the best in the world) and you can easily find healthy food at the stores. Here you can find culinary delights and high-quality restaurants that represent every continent. The schools offer a free lunch, which is also healthy. Studying is free and for college studies, you get what financial aid you do not need to pay back afterward.



When talking about food, Finland has the best liquorice and rye bread in the world! And as a beer lover, I must mention that the microbrew scene in Finland is quite large and delicious.

This country is a welfare state with freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and there is no discrimination against minorities here as in many other countries. There is hardly any corruption in Finland, in addition to which security and safety are guaranteed. The official is also unbribable. Class differences are quite small compared to many other countries and almost all Finns are honest. All people have the same rights!

So here are a few things that I have longed while touring around the world…

Welcome to Finland! …which, unfortunately, is also more than the things mentioned above.



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