Finnishness is something I’m very proud, but something that I find to be embarrassed about from time to time.
Being Finnish stereotypically means being proud, humble, mentally unshaken and happy, but more often than not I find the attributes such as quietness, being reserved and unimaginability to be too common here. Finland seems to be this remote place, which ranks very high on the happiness scale every year, but also a place where people don’t seem to share that fact if you ask them. Finland is geographically remotely located and has the Baltic sea separating us from rest of Europe. Place where winters are so cold that nothing outside of home seems to happen for half of the year. Time of the year when people spend most of their free time inside, but for the other half they can’t wait to outside to enjoy the short but sweet Nordic summer with a long drink in hand. A place where people wait for the next holiday to go abroad.
Culturally Finnish people are reserved, but also very respectful of others, kind and loving. In communities people take care of each other, but joining these communities takes much effort and dedication since the barrier seems to be set very high. This subject is something I have long discussed with my peers coming from other countries to Finland for studies and we can’t seem to understand the reason why. I wish to experience if life during that dark time of the year can be more lively by choosing to go on an exchange, but also trying to find and environment where I would find the same attributes valued as in the place I currently live and how to bring new ideas and mentality with me when I return.
Hence, I ended up choosing Switzerland. Place which is known for innovation and punctuality, but also respect and reservedness. A location, which allows me to experience 5 different surrounding countries and their cultures at the same time. Place which could give me a better perspective.