
My thought(s) on what Finnishness is all about

So okay, what is Finnishness.

It’s awkward nods while passing your neighbor in the hallway, not being able to correct your colleague when they pronounce your name wrong. It’s sitting naked in a sauna full of strangers, but being too shy to talk or chit-chat. It’s ever-changing weather, cold, dark and way too long winter and the wonder of Midsummer sun.

Finnishness is a compilation of our absolute worst qualities as people, combined with the best in us. Finnishness is not saying “hi” to your neighbor for years and years, and then going out of your way to tell them what is the best way to build a porch or what kind of winter tires they should choose. Finnishness is not being able to take pride when you’ve done a great job, but it’s also being able to praise your friend or your family member on the things they accomplish.

Finnish people are super loyal once they get to know you. And the “getting to know you” part can take a long time, just letting you know.

As much as I cringe the awkwardness and such shyness that it comes across rude or un-friendly that lies within the Finns, I adore the small, quiet ways they show affection. They might help you mow the lawn, they might put aside some of the garden apples for you just because they know you don’t have an apple tree. They give you space when you need it, and they will make a reservation call if you’re really anxious about it.

The Finns are a beautiful, gracious folk. And they do care about you, even when you think they don’t.



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