Finnishness for me

My experience on Finnishness? Oh, it is a tricky question. I could talk about the amazing nature and four seasons of Finland. They are quite unique because not in many countries you are able to experience “real” summer as well as cold winter. But no, I’m not going to talk about nature. What really is unique, are the people.

You might know the stereotypical Finn: quiet, reserved, never in the center of attention, short spoken, etc. That really applies in people in general, but of course people are always different. Everybody is different. We Finns have different personality traits, interests and political and worldly views. But some things are common. Not all of us can have Kimi Räikkönen level on unbothersome.


I love how Finns often come down being kind of mysterious and distant but on the other side we are caring and righteous. I have been in touch with many people from different countries and cultures and they all tell me one same thing. They say that always in the beginning, I seem to be a bit of rude and like I don’t care about anything. But once they get to know me they always say that I’m so different than when we first met.

I like being mysterious and quiet. I like when people around me understand that as well, like we Finns do. We don’t get in each other’s business for no reason. But if something happens, then you can be sure we are on the scene. Quiet and following, but there.


So to summarize, Finnishness for me means peace and quiet from people around me. It means I can mind my own business without any distractions. I can have my own personal space that nobody is going to break. I can exist in peace.


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