It's berry season!


Summer is a fantastic season to take yourself out to the nature, as the forests are filled with blueberries that are easy to spot and pick, and which give you a nice and healthy snack.

Did you know that in Finland we have this thing called jokaisenoikeudet, every man’s rights? They give you the freedom to enjoy the beautiful nature, forests and lakes, by foot, despite of the fact who owns the land. You are free to camp out temporarily, pick wild berries and mushrooms, as well as fish with a simple rod and line. National parks and natural reserves do not give you equal rights, so it’s worth checking out what is allowed before you take off to your trip to Finnish wilderness.

This freedom comes with responsibilities. It is obvious, that you should not disturb or damage people, animals or plants, or leave any litter behind. Lighting up a campfire is allowed only with a permission of the land owner, however, when the wildfire warnings are on, usually in the dry summer months, you should not light up the fire at all. Check out the warnings at the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Summer is a fantastic season to take yourself out to the nature, as the forests are filled with blueberries that are easy to spot and pick, and which give you a nice and healthy snack. For doing it like a Finn, take along a bucket (preferably with a lid), and fill that with the berries. At home, you’d then divide your catch into smaller boxes or bags, and freeze them for being able to enjoy them during the long, dark and harsh winter.


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