My experiences of Finnishness

No matter what time of the year, it's always good time to go out and enjoy the nature of Finland!

I was born in Finland and have lived here my whole life but my experiences about Finland and Finnishness have changed during the years. Since I was a kid, my parents have brought me camping, hiking and enjoying the nature. Earlier I didn’t like it and couldn’t appreciate the possibility to do it. However, while growing up, I’ve fell in love with varying seasons and numerous possibilities that they offer.

Something that every four seasons have in common is the fresh air. Every morning when I wake up and go out, I have a privilege to take a deep breath of fresh and clean air. But otherwise the seasons vary from each other quite a lot. In the winter I can feel the snow crunching below my feet, go to sauna and take a dip in the ice-cold water. I can hear the first birds singing in the spring and see the nature become green again.  I have a privilege to jump in the clean water and experience the midsummer – the time when sun never sets.

And when the sun eventually starts to set again, we can go around the woods picking berries and mushrooms and that’s part of Everyman’s right.

These are just a fraction of things that Finland and Finnish nature offer all around year and they are full of opportunities. The things I’ve mentioned in this text are for me the cornerstones of being Finnish. They are the reason for me to appreciate and cherish Finland along with many other things.



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