Tourist In My Own Country: Exploring Finnishness Through The Eyes Of a Returnee

Having lived abroad for nearly 10 years from the age of 18 to 28, returning to Finland made me look at the country from a different perspective. As my adult identity had been shaped abroad, I felt a mixture of foreign and familiarity rediscovering my home country.

I had forgotten that greeting a neighbor in the hallway or smiling at a stranger on the street is considered weird, if not crazy. Some of the cultures I lived in during my years abroad encouraged self-promotion and confidence, while Finns are known for their humbleness and downplaying of their abilities. Another challenge was to cut the small talk and rediscover the joy of Finnish silence – not every moment has to be filled with words, but can be shared and enjoyed together.

Moving next to a forest, the nights suddenly seemed so quiet without any noise of traffic or people passing by. Finding back to the beauty of Finnish nature and enjoying the changing of the seasons made me feel more rooted, while my appreciation for nature grew stronger. Connecting with nature daily felt like a real luxury – a treat I do not recall cherishing as much when I first lived in Finland, perhaps having taken it for granted.

As a returnee, I’ve come to appreciate some of the aspects of Finnish culture more (like having a sauna available almost in every residential building or at least in the area). Navigating through the ups and downs, building an identity as a Finnish person with experiences from multiple countries, the journey has been worth taking!


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