Rehtorin kanssa tulevat vararehtorit Marja Sutela ja Tapio Visakorpi, provosti Jarmo Takala, Emilia Katajajuuri (johtaja. toiminnanohjaus ja hallintopalvelut | työnantajatoiminta), Patrik Marjamaa (talousjohtaja. talouspalvelut), Jarno Uusisalo (päällikkö, talousohjaus), Tiina Huttunen (päällikkö, HR, henkilöstöpalvelut) ja Terhi Yliniemi (toiminnanohjauksen johtava asiantuntija). Tilaisuudessa käydään läpi ITC:n vuosisuunnitelman 2024 tavoitteita.

ITC-tiedekunnassa aloittavat uudet tutkimuskeskukset, kymmenen kappaletta. (Mukana luvussa myös vanhat TAUCHI ja Plural, myös näiden vanhojen tutkimuskeskusten tuli hakea tässä vaiheessa uudelleen). Keskuksille tehdään uudet verkkosivustot ja tiedotamme uusista keskuksista tarkemmin tammikuussa.
The ITC Faculty’s annual planning meeting with President Keijo Hämäläinen will take place on Wednesday 20.12., and the whole management group has been invited.
Vice President for Educations Marja Sutela and Vice President for Research Tapio Visakorpi, Provost Jarmo Takala, Emilia Katajajuuri (Director, Operations Management and Administrative Services | Employer Affairs), Patrik Marjamaa (Director, Finance, Financial Services), Jarno Uusisalo (Head of unit, Financial Planning), Tiina Huttunen (Head, HR) and Terhi Yliniemi (Operations Management Chief Specialist) will be present. The event will review the objectives of the ITC Annual Plan 2024.
We reminisced about the past and reflected on the successes and things we can learn from the 2019-2023 management period. The ITC faculty is multidisciplinary, from humanists to graduate engineers and masters of arts. There has been a lot of discussion in the management group, on many topics, quite often – and always with increased knowledge, sometimes with pain. There are many things that are different in units, different in Hervanta and at the Central Campus, different research methods, infrastructures, traditions… It has been great to see that by courageously throwing ourselves into the discussion and tackling issues, everyone’s world opens up.
Ten new research centres started in the ITC faculty (including the old TAUCHI and Plural, these old centres also had to reapply at this stage). New websites will be created for the centres and we will provide more details about the new centres in January.
From the Nice to know department. Click here (pdf) to see who gave their thesis.