30.8.2021 We have our own story “We have our own story, and we go so far…" (phrase from the lyrics). Music workshops is one of ways to express what is important for youth. Creative methods Young voice
30.8.2021 Come with your own idea Idea of youth participation has led to workshops “Come with your own idea”, where young people have the opportunity to write projects and implement various ideas both individually and in groups. Young people who are involved in the such kind of workshop admitted that workshops have given them opportunity to learn, gain new experiences and make friends. Participating in Making my future project has awoke the want to create new projects for some of the participants. Creative methods Experiences from young people Futures guidance
16.8.2021 Hybrid challenges and joys Making my future project´s last intensive week was held 27.7.-2.8.2021 as a hybrid version. Already a year ago we had made a risk evaluation and prepared a plan B (or actually plan Z already at this point!) as a hybrid event. Due to corona restrictions, the Finns were not able to travel abroad. So, the Estonian and Latvian participants gathered in Kallaste, Estonia, while the Finns travelled from Tampere to the archipelago coast of Finland. The Finnish group stayed at Kaarina on a beautiful farm and country hotel called Lyhdyn Tila. Creative methods Intensive week Young voice
16.8.2021 Creative writings from participants On the first day of MAMYFU intensive week 2021 in Estonia project participants had a creative writing workshop “MY FUTURE, MY PLANET” Creative methods Environmental education Experiences from young people Greative writing Intensive week Young voice
16.8.2021 Role play and gaming Johan Huidinga wrote a book (Homo Ludens, 1938) on the role of play in human society. It is undeniable that we humans engage in playful activities and they have a huge impact on all levels of society. Creative methods Role play and gaming Young voice
3.6.2021 Estonian Intensive Week in Summer 2021? Preparing something in the period when nothing is possible to prepare. Planning Estonian intensive week has been quite strange. Due to the COVID-19 there has been some issues that have made planning Estonian week problematical in autumn 2020 and in winter 2021. Now we have the last chance for that - Summer 2021. Hopefully it happens 😉 Creative methods Experiences from young people Futures guidance
30.8.2020 KARAOSTA 2020 During Latvia intensive the participants visited Karaosta, an old military prison near Liepaja. In Karaosta they got to experience a drama tour and role playing. They were emphatizing themselves to a role of an inmate. The experience was strong and unforgettable. Here you read a poem written right after the visit by one of the project workers, Eeva-Mari Miettinen Creative methods Greative writing Improvsation and drama pedagogy Intensive week Role play and gaming
30.8.2020 Photo voice in Resilience Center activities The intensive week in Tampere and learning the photo voice method started a new activities in Resilience Center, in which photos are more intensively used. In cooperation with the photographer Valters Poļakovs, a virtual photo exhibition-picture gallery was created, which is permeated by young people's reflections on themselves, on the world and diversity in the world. The photos created by young people are also used in 2021 calendar of the Resiliences Center. Creative methods photo voice Young voice
10.1.2020 Speak with photos Photo voice is a participatory method by which people can have their voice heard in a community. Creative methods