From Brazil to Finland: Why Tampere University Should Be Your Academic Destination

Bianca standing in the snowy yard of City centre campus.

My name is Bianca, and I am from Brazil. I am a student in the Master's degree program for Teaching, Learning, and Media Education at Tampere University. Here is the story of how I chose to come and study at Tampere University.

Studying in Finland was a childhood dream. I am passionate about teaching, and being able to study in Finland, with its renowned educational system was a life goal. After years working in Brazilian’s public sector, more specifically as an Air traffic controller for the Brazilian Air Force for over 10 years, I decided to pursue my dream and focus on my teaching career.

Finland was my first choice, and among all the universities, Tampere offered the ideal program for me. My desire to expand into media education found its perfect match here, and I consider myself fortunate to have been accepted into the University.


Studying in Finland was a childhood dream. My desire to expand into media education found its perfect match here.


My background includes graduation as an English Teacher, and during my time with the Air Force, I served as an Aviation English Instructor and English Evaluator for the ICAO exam (International Civil Aviation Organization). This is an English Proficiency test that verifies the effectiveness of the air traffic controllers’ English language communication in the aviation context, and all air traffic controllers are required to do this exam periodically.

During the pandemic, the in-person programs to improve the air traffic controllers’ level of English had to be adapted to be taught online, so new concerns regarding how to engage the students in an online class, how to manage time, and motivate students in a distant-learning environment emerged. I started to seek more knowledge in media education and after getting fascinated with the topic, I decided to search for Masters degree programmes that I could go deeper into this field.

Without a shadow of doubt, Tampere university was the right choice for me to advance my pursuits and forge a new professional path.


Teachers treat us like equals, they respect our opinions about the topics discussed in classes, and we feel like our feedback truly matters.


The quality of instruction in my Masters program is exceptional, and we can observe that teachers put lots of effort in preparing the classes and creating an environment where students feel comfortable and engaged. Teachers treat us like equals, they respect our opinions about the topics discussed in classes, and we feel like our feedback truly matters.

Two people sitting on benches with winter jackets on. The other one is teaching to crochet for the other.
Crochet is one of my passions, and I have been teaching it to a colleague between classes. Photo by Jingyan.

What truly fascinates me is how the university consistently prioritizes our well-being. It’s not just about academics; they actively encourage us to participate in sports and hobbies. We have a group on telegram for the students on Education courses, where we schedule some hiking activities, sauna, and other sports. I believe this emphasis on holistic development is not unique to the university, but it is part of the Finnish culture as a whole, which I find truly amazing.


It’s not just about academics; they actively encourage us to participate in sports and hobbies. 


Three friends taking selfie against the blue lighted Tammerkoski dam in the background.
During the Valoviikot (Festival of Light) the city of Tampere lights up setting the moody November aside. The opening of the Light Week celebrated with Eurovision theme (the famous “Cha cha cha” song) and the Dancing Waters show was delightful to watch, and I gad a great time attending the event with my student friends from the Master’s program of Teaching. Photo by Eduardo Esmanhoto.

Being in Finland as a student, specifically in the vibrant city of Tampere is a dream come true. I love the amazing cafes in the city, going to dancing classes, and the fact that there are so many good events at Nokia Arena. So far, I have been to ice hockey games (I am now a Tappara fan!), and I also bought tickets to see Raskasta Joulua (a Finnish band that performs Christmas carols in heavy metal style) in December and the Eurovision contest next year.

Last week I went to the Festival of light opening in Koskipuisto park with some friends from the university and we had a great time enjoying some Finnish music.

I just started studying this Autumm semester, but my journey at Tampere University has been an enriching experience so far, and I am excited to continue my academic and professional growth here. I really hope by the end of my Masters studies I will be speaking Finnish more fluently, so I can go understand theater plays and enjoy other Finnish events.


About the author:

Bianca Esmanhoto is a master’s student in Teaching, Learning and Media Education at Tampere University from Brazil. Her main interests in the field are digital literacy and the use of AI in education. She also loves crocheting, practicing sports and going to the city’s local events.