Student Hangout on Campus - OASIS

A photo of OASIS where three students play a game on a big screen.
OASIS provide everyone with access to the latest game consoles, extensive digital and analogue game collection, and a place to play.

After an intense day of lectures, I tagged along a group of friends to Pinni B at City centre campus. We occupied the back row of bean bags, having a very serious discussion about 'how to react to the question "how are you?" '. Someone started to crochet a scarf for winter, and some decided to play Super Smash Bros. As one got a coffee and continued working on their laptop, we found out professors from the previous lectures were hanging out there as well - they were trying to finish a jigsaw puzzle left on a desk for a few days. And this all happens at OASIS – it’s an open space for all.

Some Come to Work, Some to Play

Play space OASIS. Legos on a table in the foreground. People working or playing in the background.
No matter why you are here – to be creative, to be lazy, or just simply to be – OASIS has a place for them all. Photo by: Shelly Zhao.

OASIS is like a versatile playground where you get to call the shots. Use it to dive into exciting gaming sessions, catch up on your studies with a group of friends, host your very own event, or book it for a movie night with a projector – just think cozy bean bags, big screen, and three hours of cinematic delight. OASIS is all about giving you the space to be playful and have all the fun you need.

Safe Room for All

Although OASIS is never a room behind closed doors, it aims to keep out judgement. At the top of OASIS’ housekeeping rule, is ‘Keep the door open. (physically and metaphorically)’. It welcomes all, be it students or visitors. Disrespect towards others is not tolerated. Making everyone feel comfortable and welcome is its top priority.

‘Keep the door open. (physically and metaphorically)’

It’s a safe space where I can indulge in playful activities, whether it’s digital games, board games, crafts, or simply indulging in some good old-fashioned gossip. To be honest, I’m not a pro at any of these, but that’s the beauty of OASIS. At the end of the day, who gets to decide what’s good or bad, right? It’s a space where I’m free to learn without judgment.

A OASIS House Rules flyer, in colour purple and pink.
Housekeeping rules: be yourself and be considerate. Photo by: Shelly Zhao.


Recharging: Being Social or Being Alone

Author Du taking a nap in a beanbag in the sleeping tunnel.
Me in WARP the sleeping tunnel. Perfect spot to recharge your energy. Photo by: Shelly Zhao.

As a first-year student, OASIS offers me the flexibility to hang out with new friends or retreat for some much-needed alone time. For an introvert like me who occasionally fears solitude, it’s the perfect place to be. This is the precise reason why I volunteer at OASIS as a key master. Even when a key master is on duty, they can handle it with the approach they prefer. I felt hearty when I heard this during my key master training: Smile or say hi to everyone who comes in, make people feel welcome. But if you’re introverted, you don’t have to.

‘Smile or say hi to everyone who comes in. But if you’re introverted, you don’t have to.’

And here’s a secret gem in the same corridor: the sleeping tunnel. It’s my literal recharge cabin. Coming from a culture  where taking a nap during a two-hour lunch break is almost a tradition, it has saved my life multiple times when I was too sleepy for human interaction.


To Take Playfulness Seriously

A shelf of Game Studies book collection in OASIS.
Abundant resources if you are interested in Game Studies. Photo by: Shelly Zhao.

OASIS isn’t just about having a vast collection of digital and analog games; it also hosts the GameLab library, a treasure trove of resources for anyone interested in the interdisciplinary subject of games and play. As a student in media studies and now diving into the world of games, I often find myself having to defend the validity of what I study. I’ve heard my fair share of comments like ‘it’s just a movie/game.’ That’s why I’m grateful that at this esteemed institution, the interest in playfulness and unseriousness is valued and nurtured. It’s a place where you can take playfulness seriously, and that’s something truly special.

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a study group aficionado, or just someone looking to kick back and relax, OASIS is here for you. Dive into the games, cozy up in the bean bags, and make this space your own. Welcome to OASIS – where the door is always open, and the fun never stops. Let the good times roll! 


To learn more:

Location: Pinni B, City centre campus

Opening hour: Mon-Thu 8-17, Fri 8-16

Instagram: @ oasis_tuni

Facebook: OASIS at the Tampere University

Website: Oasis at Tampere University


About the writer:

Du Liangli is a master’s degree student in Game Studies at Tampere University. Her interests include digital labour, player community, play and diasporic experience. She is a Key Master at OASIS.