It was the 11th time for Tallinn Music Week and this year the location was in the fast changing areas of Tallinn: Telliskivi and Kopli, which are the most creative parts of the city. The main venue for the conference was the brand new building of Estonian Academy of the Arts.

The Tallinn program included interesting and important seminars with Q & A sessions, both official and unofficial. In the evenings we were scrolling along the streets of Telliskivi and Kopli, searching for the best new bands and artists, enjoying all kinds of concerts and every genre of rock, pop, folk, punk, electric, blues, jazz… Many old friends, lots of new friends, great opportunity for successful networking!

Finest Sounds hosted three seminars during TMW: Japanese music market from live to sync ( ; Publishing, pitching and sync in Japan – breaking into the co-writing and sub-publishing scene and finally the Finest Sounds presentation of the results.

In all the seminars the room was absolutely full. Finest Sounds and professionals from Japan were really popular! We thought that it might have been a mistake from the organizer to put these sessions into so small a seminar room!
Overall the best results from TAMK’s and the students’ point of view are the growth of knowledge of music business, understanding the processes in exporting music and better understanding of the Japanese market and forming a stronger network with the partners. About a hundred students from our university have been taking part in the activities, and they are going to be professionals in music and other creative industries with special skills and some connections to Japan.

TAMK participated to the event with a big delegation: together with nine students travelled Mr. Kai Salonen, Director of Faculty of Art, Music and Media, as the member of the steering group of the project; Mrs. Hanna-Greta Puurtinen, the project coordinator, Mr. Timo Kivikangas, Head of DP in Art, Music and Media and the Leading coordinator of Finest Sounds and lecturers Harri Karvinen and Sohvi Sirkesalo.
Text and photos by Sohvi Sirkesalo 2019
Edits: Carita Forsgren