Last week on Saturday, we met online again. For that lesson, we decided to learn some more vocabulary and decided to go with some numbers, weekdays, months and seasons.
For the numbers, we decided to count from 1 to 10 and then count from 10 to 100 in steps of ten.
The numbers were:
1 uno, 2 dos, 3 tres, 4 cuatro, 5 cinco, 6 seis, 7 siete, 8 ocho, 9 nueve, 10 diez, 20 veinte, 30 treinta, 40 cuarenta, 50 cincuenta, 60 sesenta, 70 setenta, 80 ochenta, 90 noventa, 100 cien
I already knew them from the two-week Spanish course I once took. That’s why I concentrated on teaching them in German. And as for my own learning, it was more of a repetition, but that’s also necessary and helpful, because I do not often have the opportunity to practise my Spanish. The same can be said about the weekdays, months and seasons.
These are the vocabs:
Monday to Sunday – Montag bis Sonntag – De lunes a domingo:
lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado y domingo
January to December – Januar bis Dezember – De enero a diciembre:
enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre
Spring to winter – Frühling bis Winter – De la primavera al invierno:
Primavera, Verano, Otoño, Invierno