Introduction to the Spanish language by Omar

Spanish language was shaped by the influence of various cultures in the Iberian Peninsula,

On this occasion, I wanted to teach the kids where the Spanish language comes from. In its origins, the Spanish language was shaped by the influence of various cultures in the Iberian Peninsula, where vulgar Latin evolved with the influence of Iberians, Celts, Visigoths, and Arabs. In the Golden Age, spanning the 16th and 17th centuries, literary geniuses like Miguel de Cervantes stood out with his work “Don Quixote.”

In the 14th century, with the discovery of America, the Spaniards reached Latin America, adding their own touch to the Spanish language with accents, vocabularies, and unique expressions in each country. Additionally, local indigenous languages contributed new words and terms to the Spanish language.

For example, we find regional idioms and expressions such as the Argentinean use of “che” to refer to someone or get their attention. Also, Spanish was enriched with Arabic words like “almohada” (pillow) and “cobija” (blanket). Moreover, Arabic names, like Omar, have significantly contributed to the Spanish language.

Spanish doesn’t limit itself to the borders of Spain and Latin America but also has a considerable influence on other languages, such as English. Similarly, Spanish has adopted words from English, creating its own neologisms. For instance, in Ecuador, the word “cachá” comes from the English “Did you catch me?”, forming new verbs. Additionally, in Ecuador, the expression “estoy a full de trabajo” is used to indicate that someone is very busy.

Different interpretations of idioms are also found in Latin America. For example, in Ecuador, “guagua” means a baby, while in Cuba, the same word refers to a bus.



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