Second meeting at Koskipuisto


School system in Germany and Spain

Our second meeting was on Sunday at Koskipuisto Park, as the weather was very nice. We talked about our education and quickly realised that the school systems in Germany and Spain have differences, but also similarities.

Both countries have compulsory education. In principle, this is for 10 years. In Germany, however, the compulsory education can already end after 9 years if the child has only attended the “Hauptschule”.
This is another difference: in Spain, children go on to high school after primary school. This is also the case in Germany, but there is more choice. In Germany, after primary school you can choose between “Hauptschule”, “Realschule”, “Gymnasium” or “Gesamtschule”, which differ in their curriculum and therefore the subsequent education differs. For example, whether one may study at a university or only at a university of applied sciences. There are, however, possibilities, e.g. to catch up on one’s A-levels or “Fachabitur” to be allowed to obtain the desired higher education. Another qualification, which enables you to study at a university of applied sciences, is e.g. an apprenticeship.
Like in Finland, in the grading system in Spain, the highest number is the best grade. However, in Germany, the highest number is the worst grade. In Spain, the grading system goes from 1 to 10. In Germany, the grading system goes from 1 to 6, where 1 is the best grade and 6 is the worst grade. At university, the grading system in Germany only goes from 1 to 5 and 5 means failed.


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