28.11 - Grocery shopping


For our ninth meeting, we met in the supermarket, as it seemed like a good place to learn basic, everyday things that we could use if one day we decided to go to the other’s country. We could have done it in a normal coffee shop meeting but we thought that doing it in an experiential way made more sense and our learning could be greater this way.

We started by learning words related to different groups of products, such as vegetables, fruits, dairy, meat and bread and then we focused on some more specific products such as potatoes, apples, bread….

Once we had learned some of these words, we decided to try to pronounce a phrase:

– Where can I find milk?: Waar kan ik melk vinden?

– Do you have oranges?: Heb je sinaasappels?

. Can I have a loaf of bread, please?: Mag ik een brood, alstublieft?

The pronunciations were more difficult this time, as although I could check the notes on my mobile phone, the atmosphere in the supermarket was not conducive to calm pronunciation.

We came up with the idea of doing a little role play where one would be the customer and the other the shop assistant, to try to put into practice everything we were learning. At first it was really complicated but then with a little support from the mobile and with Amber’s help, I found it really useful and fun.

During the meeting we also realised that we could have had this meeting before the international dinner and we could have bought together the products and food needed for the dinner. In this way we would have been even more familiar with the gastronomy of the other country and we would have cooked together the products we had previously bought.

All in all, I think it was a really fun meeting where we could both learn in a practical way and from which we could get a lot out of it.

I am really sorry that it is the penultimate meeting.


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