Ninth meeting (30.11) “Quiz night”
The ninth meeting was a kind of competition. The Spanish girls prepared a Kahoot to test what Laura and Chiara knew about Spain. And conversely, they prepared a Kahoot to challenge us on what we knew about Germany.
In the Kahoot about Spain personal data appeared that we had already explained to them in the first meetings, for example, where we lived or how old we were. Also curiosities about Spain or typical things like traditional food, or places to visit. It was fun, as they got some of the complicated ones right and some of the easy ones wrong!
In the quiz about Germany were questions like: what was the flag of Germany? What was the name of this food? What was the town where the Oktoberfest was held?…
I have to say that the funniest part of that day was to start saying car and clothes brands randomly… and to start pronouncing them as they were said in our countries. It was really laughable because brands like Volkswagen, Zara… sounded so different.
It was nice to spend time together and at Laura’s house, as we were grateful for the heating because it has been very cold in Tampere lately.