Week 5: Traditional clothing - Sports activities

selfie hike

This meetup we went for a hike in the wonderful Suolijärven luontopolku in Hervanta.
During the hike we talked about traditional clothing. In the Netherlands we have some traditional clothing but (for me) it’s not commonly used and is not a part of my wardrobe. Not even for special events. Where as in Germany, Emma told me she does have a set of traditional clothes in her wardrobe and she wears them for special occasions like: events, some birthdays or other cultural celebration days. I think this is similar in Finland where the clothing often reflecting the social status, region, and identity of the wearer. From what I could find some special days these clothes are worn are at Juhannus, Laskiainen and at different cultural festivals. In modern day’s they’re not worn outside of these events.

Next to this we talked about sport. The reason for this topic was because some part of the hiking trail we were on was also a mountain biking trail and some people in the group were wondering if there are people in the Netherlands that partake in this sport. Which could be considered difficult because the Netherlands is as flat as a pancake. Even though it’s flat of course we have custom made mountain biking courses/routes. They might not have as much of an incline as natural tracks here in Finland or Germany but it is possible.


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