Week 6: Music - language and slang

This meetup I joined Anna for lunch since we both couldn’t attend the ice hockey game the others went to this week. We had a great time talking about different types of music. We ended up talking about wordplay and usage in rap music. Since Anna is into German rap and I occasionally listen to rap as well. Rap is known to also include a lot of swear words. This led us to teach each other some common swear words from our respective languages. I had to explain to Anna that in the Netherlands we use a lot of diseases as curse words. There are maybe implementations for them but the best way I can describe them is as “power words” they are used to emphasize a lot of positive or negative connotation to a scenario. It’s also not uncommon for Dutch people to wish diseases onto other people. I personally don’t know many languages that are as “expressive” in this way, but Anna told me they also have this in Germany just not as excessive. Other than this little exchange of curse words we also talked about other music interests and general activities of the week.


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