Greetings from Athens!

Hey everybody! I'm in Athens on a clinical training exchange and I've loved the experience so far! This has been the best experience of my life and I am the happiest in the world that I came here! I'll tell you a little about how I've been here.

I am doing two clinical trainings for the nursing degree program here. I have been to the pediatrics department, the pediatrics intensive care unit, the vascular surgery department, and the purpose is also to get to the hospital’s emergency room for two days. I do my clinical trainings at Attikon University Hospital, which is said to be one of the best hospitals in Athens. There are many other students there, which is nice that the place is student-friendly and I have gotten to know a lot of local nursing students. I came to the exchange with my best friend from Finland and we have been able to do trainings in the same departments for the most part, so it has been really nice. 

Until now, working in a hospital has been really different compared to hospitals in Finland. Hygiene and asepsis are much worse and it has been terrifying at times. Many nurses and doctors do not use gloves, e.g. for cannulation so there is a high exposure to a blood accident. Nursing staff are allowed to wear artificial nails, rings and other jewelry at work, while in Finland this would not be so acceptable due to hygiene and aseptic reasons. One of the biggest differences is that the hospital doesn’t have that much technology. The nurses write everything by hand and there are no computers or other technology available. When we told what it’s like to be a nurse in Finland, everyone was amazed. We have already made a lot of local nursing student friends of our own age from the hospital. The nursing staff is also really friendly and receptive. It has been really great and eye-opening to see working as a nurse in a different country. 


We have gotten to know the city really well. We have been to a lot of Erasmus events. In Athens, the Erasmus activity is really active and it has been really positive, because then you get to know other students and locals. There have also been parties every week and the nightlife is really much funnier and crazier than in Finland. We have also taken a weekend trip to Thessaloniki and bungee jumped in the Corinth Canal.

Corinth Canal    Athens street

The experience has been the best of my life so far and I think that the rest of the exchange will also go well. I am dreading returning to Finland because I would like to stay here for an even longer time. That’s why I plan to come back to Athens for sure! 

Thank you for reading! 



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