Greetings from Bordeaux!

My time in Bordeaux was filled with rich culture, rigorous academics, and exciting travel experiences, allowing me to gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of the world. Come with me on a journey through the heart of wine country.

Greetings from the heart of wine country, Bordeaux! I am currently finding myself pursuing a Double Degree at Kedge Business School here.

At Kedge, the focus leans heavily towards theoretical knowledge, emphasizing memorization over practical application. Courses like International Marketing and Supply Chain Management have been the highlights, thanks to inspiring instructors and engaging content. Unique to Bordeaux, a Wine Business course offered an unforgettable wine-tasting class, in which I learnt the basics of being a sommelier, as well as deepened my knowledge of wine.

France has been an opportunity for exploration in my free time. Bordeaux has a particularly lively city vibe, and offers quite a few opportunities for cultural experiences, from museum visits to local diners at which you can experience local cuisine and picnics with friends. The mild fall weather and the often rainy winter days have been a change from the Finnish winters. Travelling has been a cornerstone of my exchange, allowing me to discover not just France but also nearby countries, enriching my exchange experience further.

During my time here, I have noticed a significant difference between the academic environment in France and Finland. Finnish education aims to provide a balanced approach between theoretical knowledge and practical application, resulting in a more comprehensive learning experience. In contrast, French education seems to emphasize rote learning. I suppose both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages and it’s great to experience things differently.

Overall, my time in Bordeaux has been a journey of growth, learning, and memorable experiences. While the academic culture here in France differs from what I’m used to in Finland, it has offered me a new perspective on education and a deeper understanding of my field of study, which is International Business. I encourage anyone considering an exchange to do it– the world is full of lessons waiting to be learnt outside the classroom walls.


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