Greetings from Germany!

Postcard from Fulda

My exchange studies started in Fulda around the middle of October. Most of the courses I took were very similar to the courses I had in TAMK, but here they did not have as much group work. The teaching methods were the same and I feel like the quality of studies was somewhat the same. Only on a few courses I think the quality was better than in TAMK.

During my free time here, I have really enjoyed travelling and visiting new cities and towns with my friends. We have seen so many places around the state of Hessen where Fulda is located. There are many smaller towns to explore and bigger cities such as Frankfurt and Kassel. When we are not travelling, we usually go out to have dinner, drinks or just for a breakfast on a Sunday. Because Fulda is quite small compared to some other cities in Germany, the school does not arrange that many activities for us, so we must come up with things to do ourselves. However, we did have a great introduction week for international students with lot of activities such as game night, movie night and bowling.

Overall, I have really enjoyed my time here in Fulda and I am very happy that I decided to do my exchange here.


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