Szia, greetings form Budapest!

fishermans bastion

I would be glad to share something about my exchange period in Hungary with you. Keep reading to find out about my studies and free time in Budapest!

The school I study in is Budapest Business School, the faculty of International Management and Business. An unfortunate thing is, that the school building is not in the city centre, but about an hour away. I have to leave an hour eaparliamentrlier for school and that was kind of annoying at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I have six courses, which are mostly business courses. The courses covered topics about management, marketing and communication, but I also took one psychology course, which turned out to be very interesting. All of the courses had exams, but some of the exams were on paper, which was pretty unusual since in Finland I haven’t have an exam on paper since middle school.

The courses have two lessons per week; one lecture and one seminar. This is different from our Finnish school system. But other than that, I think the school system here is pretty similar to Finland. The requirements of the courses really depended on the professors, but some of the courses had presentations or mid terms, and some courses just depended on the final exam. If I compare the school culture here and in Finland, I think one thing I noticed was that students here are very often late and might talk loudly while the professor is speaking. In Finland I think there is different kind of respect towards the professors and students are more precise.

Our school had like thousand exchange students, and there are plenty of universities in Budapest, so the exchange student community is pretty wide. There are some activities for the Erasmus students every day of the week I think, and there were plenty of chances to meet new people from different countries. One of the best Erasmus events I attended to was a boat party on the D

anube river. During my stay here I have made three really good friends who I think I will keep in contact with after this and visit in their countries! I also fell in love with the food here, especially a Hungarian street food Langos and a Hungarian dessert chimney cake. There is plenty of things to see here and every day I find something new!


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