Graduate nursing studies in Shanghai has gone well as far now. I came here to do some practical training and studying and that is what I have done – of course a lot of other things too 🙂
But something about studies… There are five nursing student from TAMK and Centria. There are also other exchange nursing students from different countries in our campus. Here I and other finnish nursing students have been in different kind of hospital departments like childrens heart unit, gynecology oncology, ICU and pediatric.

Beside that we have been studing in campus, TCM (traditional chinese medicine), chinese language etc. In the beginning of our exchange studies here, we were also studying with chinese students some nursing theory things like mental helath sciences, pediatric and chemistry.

..But we also have been in orphanage which has been very pedagogical and educational experience. Maybe the best part of studies 🙂

Our campus is good, rooms are nice and possibility to do some sports is very good. There are near everything you need and the rest you can find in the centre of Pudong by bus or in the downtown by the subway.
City itself is big. It is always moving, there are always something new and something that you never find. This is paradise to people who wants to shop but there are also much more. In here you can find a lot of nice corners, areas and yeah, always something new and different.
Beat of this city is fast but time in here is flowing. It is a little bit funny
– but in a good way I think.