Greetings from Budapest!



I’m a thrid-year nursing student from Tampere. Currently I am doing my two month internship here in Budapest, Hungary. I have done clinical training now for 3 weeks in a gastroenterology and transplantation unit. I still have two weeks left there before I switch to a emergency unit for two weeks.

Already I can say the hospitals here are very different than back at home. In day to day basis you can clearly see the lack of resources and money they have in Hungary. The crazy thing for me is that the head nurse told me that this unit is actually really ahead of the other units. Regardless there aren’t any computers in the unit so every information you have about the patients you write with a different color pencil to these big patient folders. Also it is very important to try and save money and materials everyday which leads to very low level of hygiene. In addition to this only a few people in the hospital speak English so pretty much all communication I can have with other nurses, doctors or patients is non-verbal. I have learned a couple words of Hungarian which luckily helps here and there.

On my free time here I have made friends with other Erasmus students, visited the city attractions and a few towns around Hungary. Since Budapest is very close to other big European cities I planned to visit Vienna in May as well.


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