¡Hola! from Spain

Fuengirola seaside

Practical training in Spain as a social services student.

I did a practical training in Fuengirola as a part of my social services studies. The workplace was Finnish, and I only worked with Finnish clients as well. There are lots of Finns living in Fuengirola area which is why I was able to do my training there. My Spanish skills are not yet strong enough to work with Spanish people, maybe someday though. I worked with all kinds of clients but mainly with families and elderly people, doing things like leading a day group for small kids and their parents and making house calls for older people and spending time with them as a personal assistant.

Since I was doing my training at a Finnish workplace, I unfortunately lacked getting to know the Spanish work culture more profoundly. However, I do think that the southern easy-going state of mind could be seen at the Finnish work environment as well. I think that the sun is doing good for people’s mood. Or maybe I was just lucky to work with such nice and relaxed people.

Most of my spare time I was spending with my good friend and roommate. We were doing lots of walking around getting to know the nearby areas, travelling to neighbor cities by train, eating out and going for night swims in the ocean. I also travelled to Madrid by myself for a couple of days and just walked around the city, visited some museums and went to see a musical.

Fuengirola seaside in the evening

Jacaranda tree

Mijas village at sunset

Fuengirola murals


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