Dobrý den from Czech Republic

I could not have been more satisfied with my choice to come to Prague. The city is so beautiful, there´s so much to do and the school´s excellent also.


I´ve been pleasantly surprised with the courses here, all of them, even economics, are interesting for an architecture student. Education here has a lot of similarities to Finland, but you can definitely see that here our education has been going on for many many years, and the courses are stable if you could say so. Architecture faculty back home is so brand new that it´s still finding it´s way. This town is made for architecture history lessons, we never stay in lecture halls, we get up and actually see the places and buildings in question, it is so much more interesting this way!

Dorm life is something that needed a little getting used to, but now that I´ve settled in it´s good too. I can see the school from my window so it´s all about the location.

I´ve explored the city and gone to trips too, seen some art and a lot of sceneries. There´s always something going on in the city, we even had a film shoot in the lobby of our dormitory.












We also hosted a Finnish party here and served karelian pasties, turkish pepper candies and of course, we made salty liquorice vodka. Pasties were a hit, vodka ran out mostly because there was vodka in it, and we had a lot of left over candy. Even the Mexicans complained about them being so spicy.



All and all, adjustment has been easy for me, even thought that if I didn´t have a firm back home that needed attending I´d probably stay a full year.

P.S. Oh yeah, I´m also included here in a project in which we will be designing for Skoda and Mladá Boleslav (the city Skodas main factory is in) a lot of new buildings and areas, such as a new headquarters and a culture centre. How cool is that?



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