Greetings from Germany!

-Kristiina Rantakömi

I’m currently studying at Stuttgart Media University. With one month left in my exchange, I’d like to share some of my experiences in Germany, as well as compare the study between Germany and Finland.

My Studies in Print and Packaging

I am currently pursuing my studies in Stuttgart Media University. I am doing Print and Packaging minor, which focus on the technical, design, and business aspects of packaging. The program combines both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in areas such as printing technologies, and packaging logistics solutions. The exchange is now about halfway through. I still have two months left.

My Spare Time in Germany

In my spare time here in Germany, I’ve been exploring the local culture, especially the rich history and modern lifestyle. I enjoy trying traditional German cuisine, and visiting museums and seen magnificent buildings. Germany is known for its efficient public transportation, so getting around is easy. I’ve also joined local events to meet new people and practice my language skills.

-Kristiina Rantakömi-Kristiina Rantakömi

Comparing Studies: Germany vs. Finland

In Germany, the study culture is quite structured, with a strong emphasis on independent research and practical experience. Students often work in groups, which helps develop teamwork and critical thinking skills. The approach to studying is generally formal, and students are expected to take a high level of responsibility for their own learning.

In Finland, students have more freedom and responsibility when it comes to their studies. There are fewer formal lectures, and learning is more interactive and student-centered. Students are encouraged to take an active role in their education and manage their own learning process. While both countries value academic excellence and innovation, the study model in Finland tends to be more flexible and less formal compared to Germany.


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