Embracing the German Experience: A Student's Journey from Finland to Deutschland


Studying abroad is an adventure that broadens horizons and offers invaluable life experiences. As an exchange student from Finland currently studying in Germany, I have been immersed in a new academic culture and enriching leisure activities. In this post, I will share insights into my studies in Germany, how I spend my spare time, and a comparison of the academic cultures between Germany and Finland.


Studies in Deutschland

My academic journey in Germany has been both challenging and rewarding. The courses are rigorous and demand a high level of self-discipline and independence. I am studying in a diverse environment where students from all over the world bring different perspectives and ideas. This multicultural setting has enhanced my learning experience, pushing me to think critically and adapt quickly.


Spare Time in Deutschland

Besides studies, Germany offers different activities to enjoy. From exploring historical sites and museums to enjoying the vibrant nightlife, there is never a dull moment. I have made it a point to visit famous landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate and the Schloss Mannheim, which have deepened my appreciation for German history and culture.

I also love spending my weekends in nature, hiking in the Black Forest or cycling along the Rhine River. These activities not only help me unwind but also connect me with the beautiful German landscape. The local festivals, such as Show Abend, have been a highlight, offering a unique glimpse into German traditions and a chance to socialize with locals and fellow students.



Comparing Academic Cultures: Germany vs. Finland

The academic culture in Germany differs significantly from that in Finland. One of the most notable differences is the structure of the courses. German universities often have a more formal and traditional approach, with a clear hierarchy between professors and students. In contrast, Finnish universities promote a more relaxed and egalitarian atmosphere, where students and professors interact on a first-name basis.

Another difference is the emphasis on practical training in Germany. While Finnish education also values practical experience, it tends to focus more on theoretical foundations and research. German students are encouraged to gain work experience alongside their studies by having industrial tours, which I believe provides a well-rounded education and better prepares students for the job market.

Finally, the examination systems in the two countries vary. In Germany, exams are typically more frequent and cover larger amounts of material, requiring consistent study habits and time management. Finnish exams, while still challenging, often emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving over memorization.


My time as an exchange student in Germany has been a transformative experience. The combination of rigorous academic training, practical experience, and vibrant cultural activities has enriched my life in ways I never imagined. Comparing the educational systems of Germany and Finland has also given me a deeper understanding of the strengths and unique aspects of each. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to bringing these experiences back to Finland, both personally and professionally.



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Ciao! Come stai? Postcard from Italy

Ciao from Piedmont, Italy! Come stai? If you ever wonder to work in another country, especially in Italy you should do it. This is the experience where you will at least learn how to live in a moment and you will learn how important it is to have a break durning your work shifts. Italians loves food and there is no excuse to not have a glass of wine when having lunch! I remember when I first saw my colleague taking a wine bottle on a lunch table - I am glad that I did not laugh as it seemed a bit absurd to me. Now it is just a part of a daily basis! I am doing my last internship here in Verduno at Scarpa Villas, Barolo Luxury Escape. It's been two months already! One month ahead. While writing this I feel a bit sad to think about that. I wanted to come here, because I am interested in learning more about wines. Also it has been a great opporunity to work in tourism industry outside of Finland. Here I have learnt more about a different working culture. For example, you might not know your work shifts furter than for one week. In the other hand working hours are quite flexible. Here we also eat all together while having a lunch. We even cook the lunch for ourselves at work, so we don't have to bring lunchboxes from home. ¨ My work tasks include cleaning the villas, helping customers with their questions, doing some e-mails with my collegues, learning more about the Scarpa winery and the social media marketing plan for the winery and the villas. Sometimes I am at the winery to see some of the tours and do some tastings there. On my free time I study some Italian language and I also try to finish my last online courses. I hope to graduate in October! After studying I go for walks or then I have a bike ride with an e-bike, as it is more usful here than a normal bike. I have also visited in Milan, Torino and at Lago di Garda (Garda lake). Sometimes I spent time with my colleague or with some Finnish people, whom lives nearby. I came here open minded and curious. First weeks was the hardest part, as I did not speak any Italian, only English. Anymore I do not feel overwhelmed every day trying to understand the language. It is amazing to notice, that in three months you will learn at least some basic words and sentences. To learn more I usually watch some TikToks and listen Italian music. I hope I won't forget all the things and language when I go back home! Distinti saluti // Best regards, Sofia