Feelings of Finnishness through the four seasons

Finnish lake scenery

There are a lot of things I could use to describe what Finnishness means to me but in this blog post I am going to concentrate on the four seasons of weather. The seasons changing almost quarterly means that we Finns have had to adapt to different kinds of weather throughout the history. Before electricity and other modern utilities people have not had it easy, especially during winters.

I personally love every season since all of them have their own special touch to them. We are lucky to live in the modern times where we can enjoy cold winters from inside the warm apartments and houses. (Although with the increasing prices of electricity it´s not necessarily a cheap enjoyment.) Through the four seasons I am going to try to convey my feelings of Finnishness.

Spring: The word that in my opinion best describes the spring is hope. The nature awakening, feeling of new opportunities and light increasing are all things that give me hope for the future.

Summer: Finnish summer is very close to my heart with its green nature, glimmering lakes, wooden saunas, and fresh vegetables. The summer in Finland is very fleeting but for that reason I value it so dearly.

Autumn: With autumn comes the melancholy of dark crisp evenings but also the joy of colorful trees, lit candles and being wrapped in a blanket with a cup of tea and a good movie to watch.

Winter: For me the best kind of winter is one with lots of snow and freezing cold. In my favorite wintery scene, I imagine myself walking outside at night with clear starry skies above me, the snow squeaking under my steps and feeling the cold fresh air fill my lungs.

Snowy treesGreen nature and blue sky


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