
In this blog post I am talking about the link between finnish people, cities and nature.

Finland is known for its nature. When you go to a Finnish citys are an extension of the forests that surround them, and you can find yourself on the same street as trees that have stood for centuries, and appartments that have stood for only a few years. The nature in cities is a great thing. It keeps the air fresh and the human mind fresh, this to us finnish people feels like a right, but to visitors from further afar the crisp scent of a pine in a sprawling metropolis is both a rarity and a luxury.

When you walk through a finish city, you will find it is intertwined with nature. The craggy rocks along its shoreline support ancient trees, and even with the cities recent surge of modernity, one can easily imagine a shoreline free from human touch. However, even in our nations capital you are never far from true wilderness. if you want to immerse yourself deeper within nature, our train service provides easy access to a true and beautiful wild place.

Finland is one of an increasingly small number of places that has the honor of hosting true wilderness. Despite the pressures of modern living, we still cherish this. Perhaps because of our culture, and our rich tales of folklore that warn us of the need to respect nature.

As a Finnish person that is a thing I am often taking too much for granted. Helsinki is a very clean and fresh capital city. To us finnish people, the deep roots of of our ancient forests are our veins, and the cool depths of our thousands of lakes are our blood. Swimming in lakes is also a great finnish hobby.


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