
For me, the most important things about Finland are nature and sauna. The Finnish nature is extremely beautiful and sauna is the best place to relax. I'm proud of my Finnishness and Finland will always be the place that feels like home to me.

Finland has thousands of lakes and it is mostly covered by forest. The nature offers a lot of activities as well as food. Many Finns enjoy spending their holidays relaxing in the nature, for example by camping and fishing. Growing up I spent every summer at our summer cottage in the forest where we went fishing, camping, hiking and picked berries and mushrooms with my family. I think blueberries and lingonberries are one of the best foods nature has to offer.

In addition to the beautiful nature, Finnish seasons are extremely versatile. The weather differences between winter, spring, summer and autumn are significant. Every season has its own weather and other characteristics which also offers a lot of different activities for the Finns to do.


Sauna is a major part of Finnish lifestyle. Most Finnish people go to sauna at least once a week. In Finland, there are saunas everywhere. They are in people’s homes, summer cottages and even just by the lake in the forest. Sauna is a place for washing up but also for relaxing and connecting with the people you are with. Personally, sauna helps me to relax and let go of my worries. It is a great way to spend time with people you love and usually the deepest conversations take place in a sauna.


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