Finnishness and finnish weather

Post about finnish weather and how it affect to finnish people

Finnish nature with thousands of lakes, fresh wind and trees that smell good are irreplaceable regardless of the season. Nature gives its best all the time. For me personally, nature helps me with anxiety and stress. Walking in forest makes me feel more grounded.

Weather in Finland is one of the biggest things, what makes us finnish. Even tough there were no ideas what to talk (or no will to talk at all) with each other, the weather is always hot topic among finnish people.

Finland is a dark country most of the year. That maybe affects how we act and are as finnish folk. Then comes long-awaited summer, which lasts like 5 days, sometimes maybe 7. Then we feel happy for a week without trying. And that is maybe the reason why it feels so special every year. But darkness is not always a bad thing. It gives us two options: go abroad or stay home 24/7 without feeling guilty.


Everything You Need to Know About Seasons in Finland - Our Life, Our Travel

Although the weather in Finland is not always pleasant, there are several cities and little villages where are a lot to see and experience. Domestic tourism in Finland can be even more interesting than going abroad. In my bucket list this summer are many places in western side on Finland. For example Moominworld in Naantali and Yyteri beach in Pori are places that I think everyone could possibly love to see and experience.


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