Stereotypes and how I see Finland

Finnish nature gives its best during the evening at Tahko.

I have already won in this life as I was born and raised in Finland. Here I'll explain some things that I think when I think of Finnishness.

Stereotypes of Finnish people

The Finnish language is said to be one of the most complex languages to learn. It isn’t easy to know how to use the grammar correctly, but it is manageable. Here is a funny example from the world’s funniest man how to manage 90% of conversations with just one phrase, Ismo Leikola, No Niin . I feel honored to be ables to speak language like Finnish. We have amazing education and therefore most of us Finnish people speak well also Swedish which is our second language but also English is well thought here.

Also people tend to think that we are always quiet. We are rather reserved nation. At first we’re pretty quiet but then when you get to know us, we start to talk more and be more open. As we have been for many years Finland is the happiest country in the world. Finnish people always tend to think how is it possible that we win but there must be reasons behind it.

How I see Finland?

I find Finland very beautiful country. I love it that we have all these different seasons and beautiful nature. We can swim on our lakes without having to think about pollution on them. We can walk in the forest without having to think if it is safe or not.

I love summertime and warmth and I cannot say that I love winter. It is beautiful but way too cold for me. I prefer summer and its bright nights.

I feel like Finland has its cons too but it is the country that I want to live my life in and have my family here.


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