Tiina Toikka kävi läpi henkilöstö- ja rekrytointisuunnitelmaa. Kuinka uusien työntekijöiden integrointia voidaan parantaa, mitä toimia yliopistotasolla, tiedekunnassa ja yksiköissä, sekä esitettävien rekrytointien priorisointi ja aikataulutus.
Mari Pere and Taija Lankinen presented feedback collected from the Laura recruitment system and how it will be utilized in the development of the recruitment process. The feedback data covers the period from January 1 to September 26, 2023, during which 61 job positions were open in the ITC faculty.
Next, we move on to risk assessment. The faculty needs to assess the risks associated with operations and goals, as well as occupational safety risks, and update them by November 15. Saara Asikainen has compiled a presentation based on the assessment conducted in the spring, which unit heads, the dean’s office, and HR specialists have updated accordingly. Additionally, the three most significant risks will be highlighted in the annual plan. More information on university risk management can be found on the intranet.
Tiina Toikka went through the personnel and recruitment plan, discussing how the integration of new employees can be improved, outlining actions at the university level, within the faculty and units, and prioritizing and scheduling upcoming recruitments.
Saara Asikainen provided details on the finalization of the annual plan, with a deadline of November 15. All additions and changes should now be made based on discussions in the personnel meeting and the faculty council. The annual plan should also document the ITC’s 5% goal emphases and objectives.