Our fifth meeting was at my apartment where we focused mainly on learning about Finnish cuisine.
We ate mustamakkara with lingonberries and rye bread with smoked moose. I chose mustamakkara for this meeting because it was easy to get here in Tampere and I’m not a great cook and this way I didn’t have to actually make it. I think it was a fitting choice anyway because it’s so connected to Tampere. Marina liked the smoked moose and I’m glad I got some for her. It’s really easy to get a hold of if you know hunters so that was also admittedly a low effort pick.
What we really put effort in was baking voisilmäpullas. They are sweet buns with a butter eye in the middle. They didn’t turn out quite like my great-grandmother’s, but I think we did alright considering that neither of us have a lot of experience baking.
While we were baking, we ended up teaching each other the names of the ingredients. As we ate, we used the time to review numbers.