Meeting 10: That's a wrap! Pun intended?

Cultural exchange is lifelong friendship ~

The day is here, our final meeting. This meeting is all about reflection. We had 10 meetings where we took away as much as possible from the different aspects of cultures of one another. It was eye opening to see the similarities between Germany (the parts that we talked about)  and Sint Maarten. Sint Maarten and the whole Caribbean seems so far away sometimes that it is just so crazy when I learned how many similarities there were between the cultures of Hanna and Fabian and mine. But when there was a difference it just made sense.  For example, the difference in the types of fruits that they are accustomed to and also how they eat them, ahem, me and my barbaric mango-eating tendencies. Honestly,  I think that is the beauty of cultural exchange.

At the start of this exchange, I had a goal. I wanted to cook, eat, and learn vocabulary (kernfrucht, sternfrucht, plätz, Pfankuchen, and so many more). I can say with absolute certainty that this mission was successful, although, I would not say that I can string along a coherent a sentence in German just yet. Haha, according to Hanna and Fabian, my enunciation needs work. Nevertheless, it was all the fun to practise.

No matter all of the fun things I learned this semester, the one take away that fills my heart is the friendship and bond that I was able to develop with Hanna and Fabian, the free spirits!

The time was short but sweet, as we say in the Caribbean. Excited for when I will link up with the two again, hopefully soon.



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