Seventh meeting: Hiking!

The seventh meeting, was Friday 22 of April.

We decided to go hiking because the weather in Tampere was amazing, it was fourteen degrees!

So firstly we went to the city center to look around. We decided to sit in one bar and to drink something in a terrace. It was the best feeling ever! There, we talked about the sports we normally do in our countries.

I said that I normally danced but that what I liked to do the most was to go for walks with my family. We normally go on excursions to the mountains and visit isolated villages. They told me their experiences also about hiking. It was really interesting!

Some of the words I learnt in German were:

  • Tanzen- To dance
  • Klettern- climbing
  • Spazierengehen- going for a walk
  • Wandern – hiking
  • Basketball – basketball
  • Schwimmen – natación

Once we finished having a drink, we went to one of the many lakes that Tampere has. To go to it we had to cross a path through a forest and we almost got lost. Those moments were a bit overwhelming, but when we arrived, we enjoyed a beautiful sunset.



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